Thursday, May 27, 2010

and because this was the post that started me going on this...

So I listened to this John Piper Sermon while running today ( 4 miles ftw.) And I was super convicted about some stuffz. So then I went into the the locker room and journaled for 20 minutes instead of doing weights, lol. But anyway, yeah, the rest of this is an excerpt from my journal. *GASP!*

3:04 PM
Why do we not ask? James says it's the only reason we don't receive. I Corinthians says we are united to a Christ who is an infinite well of wisdom, strength, and power, and that that well is at our disposal since he loves us so unconditionally.
So ASK already[for things that glorify Him] and trust to receive!
We sit and grumble and complain about church. All the petty, meaningless things. On a GOOD day we might wonder arrogantly how we might help "whip things into shape" before quickly discarding the notion. Why turn to God who is capable of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING instead of sitting around causing dissension?!?!

This is a prayer by John SomethingorOther of Dundee, England, prayed about his church in 183something. A few months afterwards, his church was blessed with a revival, and over 300 were brought to Christ and added to the church.

"Oh Lord, as you are often accustomed to do
Show your great power
in the absence of our righteousness.
Send a remarkable awakening
that results in hundreds coming to Christ.
Old animosities being removed
Marriages reconciled and renewed
Wayward children coming home
Long-standing slavery to sin conquered
Spiritual dullness replaced with vibrant joy
Weak faith replaced by bold witness
Disinterest in prayer replaced by fervent intercession
Boring Bible reading replaced by passion for the Word
Disinterest in global missions replaced by energy for Christ's name proclaimed among the nations
Lukewarm worship and lives replaced by zeal for the greatness of God's glory.
In Jesus Name, Amen."

Totally awesome. I pray that the Spirit might take hold in this way in individuals, in families, in church leaders, in congregations, in sister churches, and in the whole church and body of Christ.

The possibilities of His great works are infinite. Lord, we know we have nothing to do with any of this.

So transform us.

In Jesus Name, Amen."


  1. Wow, that was a really good post. The prayer is really interesting. I think that it is cool how even though the prayer was written 190 or so years ago, it still is SO relevant today. Obviously, the spritual things are going to be there, but they all have so much to do with things happening today!

  2. I know! That's like, the beauty of history. The relevance carries on through time. =) And prayer is awesome.
